7 Frequently Unanswered Questions by Teens on Body Image and Sexual Health
December 7, 2023 2023-12-07 7:507 Frequently Unanswered Questions by Teens on Body Image and Sexual Health

7 Frequently Unanswered Questions by Teens on Body Image and Sexual Health
Navigating the world of sexuality education can be a challenging journey for both parents and teenagers. As a sexuality educator, I understand the importance of fostering open, honest, and informed conversations about sex, body image, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
In this blog post, I’m going to address seven frequently unanswered questions that teenagers often have. So, let’s dive into these crucial topics and equip parents with the knowledge they need to support their children’s sexual health. Plus, don’t miss out on my upcoming workshop, where we’ll delve even deeper into these discussions.
Question 1: Will a condom guarantee total protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STD)?
No. No condom can give a 100% guarantee against STDs. Most health experts believe that the risk of contracting STDs will be greatly reduced if a condom is used properly.
Question 2: How do I choose the right kind of condoms to prevent STDs?
Always read the label carefully. The label should say that the condoms are to prevent STDs. Certain condoms such as Novelty condoms are for sexual stimulation only.
Use latex (rubber) condoms only. Tests have shown that latex condoms can act as a barrier against transmission of infectious disease germs. Lambskin (natural) condoms are ineffective in preventing infection.
Question 3: What if my partner refuses to get medically tested for STDs before we get into a sexual relationship?
Do not have sex with anyone you are not sure about. Better to be safe than sorry.
Question 4: If I have had casual sex with an unknown person at a wild party how will I know if I have or haven’t contracted a sexually transmitted disease?
See a doctor the very next morning. Most STD germs will be dormant for even six months before the disease symptoms appear.
Question 5: What is the best thing to do to lose weight fast?
During the growing years, every girl wants to be that thin supermodel that the society raves about. What we don’t know is what is happening to our body. At this puberty age, with all the changes happening in your little body, you do tend to put on weight. Gaining 7 kgs. or more during puberty is considered normal and necessary for proper growth and development. As a girl develops, her body will make more fat to allow for fuller thighs, stomach and breasts, and wider hips. Lean body mass in girls diminishes from approximately 80 percent to 75 percent by the end of puberty, while the amount of body fat increases. So, just relax and make sure you eat right, drink a lot of water and have a lot of physical exercise in any form as a part of your routine.
Question 6: Is it important to have all the curves in our body?
What is important is to be healthy. Different curves are liked by different people and there are people who don’t care about the curves at all, they care about what kind of a person you are. Who all and how many will you be able to please? Please don’t bother about the measurements. Train yourself to be the confident you and you will see so many liking you for who you are. I know it sounds preachy, but it’s true. Ask around ☺
Question 7: Why are girls told to change themselves as boys are staring at you?
What do you do when you have 50 kgs of gold in your house? We put them away SAFELY. Despite knowing that people should not rob anyone, people do. So, we take all the care to make sure that our treasure is safe. Girls are like the gold. Unfortunately, the boys in our country are not taught how to behave when they get excited by seeing a girl. And because we do not want anyone to hurt our girls, we ask them to change a bit of how they dress or behave depending on how they are travelling and where they are going. I feel what’s more important is to educate the boys to behave when they are sexually excited. Girls till then SHOULD take care of themselves by being SMART.
Are you ready to tackle these crucial conversations with your teen? Join my upcoming 3 Days Workshop – Powerful Skills to Sex Educate happening this December. This workshop is your chance to equip yourself with the tools you need to confidently and compassionately guide your child through the complexities of sexuality education. Don’t miss out — sign up today!
As parents, addressing the frequently unanswered questions about sex, body image, and STDs is a crucial part of providing comprehensive sexuality education. By fostering open and honest communication, we can create an environment where teenagers feel comfortable seeking guidance and information. Remember, the more informed and supported our teens are, the better equipped they will be to make healthy decisions and navigate their journey into adulthood. Join me in the upcoming workshop, and let’s embark on this important and transformative conversation together.